Europa by Reason VST/AU Synth First Look

Europa VST/AU Synth plugin was just announced May 30th, 2018! If you’ve never heard of this synth, it generally comes as a part of Reason 10, although now they’ve made it its own plugin so that you can use it in the audio application of your choosing. This is a video of my first impressions while giving a brief overview of the synth’s primary functionality and features.

Europa Presets

Europa comes with over 500 high quality factory presets including Bass, FX, Melody, Pads, Percussion, Plucks, Poly, Rhythmic, and Textures. In the video, I was just browsing one of the folders, but the rest of the folders can be found when you click the browse button.

I mentioned that it doesn’t come with a ton of presets which is true when compared to Omnisphere or Alchemy, although I probably wouldn’t have said that had I known about all the presets included. The preset browser just doesn’t have the most intuitive design, and I didn’t notice that there were more folders of presets above the folder I was currently in until after I saved a preset.

Hopefully, you still learn something in my overview of this incredibly versatile synth.

Download a demo on the Propellerheads website.



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